Saturday, July 16, 2011

Issue 1 Scene 4

Setting: A road leading up to Silver Square, and Silver Square itself, the central town square of Compass City. It is a traditional town center with high end shops, (antique collectors, fancy restaurants, expensive shoe store, etc.) a Court house, a Library, and a full park with trails, trees and a fountain. It is very clean, and the entire square is very well landscaped and designed. The shops are very old-Americanesque with a new England feel to them. There are intersections at each “corner” of the park, and adobe colored walk ways which wind in interesting shapes, so that the park is not a perfect square, but symmetrical all the same. The square also has the usual newspaper stands, street lamps, fire hydrants, etc. Today, the park of the square is filled with people, TV news teams, spectators of all sorts, and passers-by. At this time of day, the square is usually as busy as a down-town mall in the evening. Behind the square are sky scrapers, and mountains to the North.

Rene and Cindy make their way to the park in the center of Silver Square from Cindy's house which is a few blocks away. They are both carrying back packs (Rene’s significantly larger and heavier than Cindy’s.)

Cindy: “He’s cute, but he’s not your type Rene.”

Rene: “Cody is very much my type, and what would you know about it?”

Cindy: “Really? I’ve been your best friend for a year and you think I can’t tell if a guy is completely wrong for you?”

Rene: “You are just upset because he talked to me first.”

Rene meant what she said lightly, but her friend took it offensively. Cindy stops on the sidewalk with her arms folded. Rene stops ahead of her and looks back.

Cindy: “Something isn’t right about Cody. I can tell. Don’t you trust me?”

            Rene looks to the park ahead of them, with a pensive expression.

            Rene: "I have to change. The ALOH wants the Renegades to represent them while my Dad presents the invention. Something about public image…”

             Rene runs ahead, leaving Cindy behind. Cindy looks unconvinced that her friend is taking her seriously. Rene begins to pull her super-hero suit from her back-pack, only to run into Sketch who was running from the other direction. They both crash to the ground.

               Sketch: “Hey, sorry Rene, I’m just trying to get away from Alloy. He keeps getting on my case for picking up hot dog this morning.”

               Rene: “Well can you blame him? You completely ditched when we needed you Zach!”

               They help each other up, which is a little awkward since Zach is shorter than Rene. Zach pretends to be distracted to avoid the topic.
               Sketch: “Whoa, my future girlfriend looks lost, I should show her around.”

               Zach darts into the crowd. Rene rolls her eyes, and stays along the edge of the crowd as she looks for a place to change. Alloy finds her. He is in full uniform, but is shrouded in his black cloak with his hood up.

               Alloy: “There is something wrong. I can’t place it yet… But all these people shouldn’t be here.”

               Rene: “I know how much you hate crowds Alloy, but this is a big deal for my Dad, and his team’s inventions might change the world today. Try to enjoy yourself.”

               Rene manages a grin as she looks over the crowd. The excitement of the announcement grips her, and she is filled with anticipation. The crowd is busy and eager as well. Her father, in a light grey business suit, stands from his chair on a stage. He addresses the crowd with a microphone. His colleagues with varying ages, skin colors and features stand with him as well.

               Alloy: “You need to hurry, they’re starting.”

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