New sketches of Cory Wilcox and Cindy Draper are now available! These are classmates and friends of Rene Anderson (aka Rennek). Use these links to see in-depth profiles of either character:
Friday, July 29, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Issue 2 Scene 7
Setting: On the country road between the National Guard Armory and Compass City. There are corn and soy bean fields on either side of the paved road for miles. A sign shows the proximity to either destination at the ends of the street. The sun is beginning to set.
Sketch is riding his skate board and spots Rennek flying in the sky. She is coming from the opposite direction. He calls up to her.
Sketch: “Any luck?”
Rennek swoops down to the street and stands on the side of it with Zach, who picks up his skate board.
Rennek: “No, the tip was given by some boy, but that doesn’t get us anything. The file was deleted. I couldn’t even listen to it. What about you?”
Sketch visualizes in his mind the several people he saw. He is seen talking with Cindy who hides behind her front door with only a sliver of light coming through. He also speaks with other Students, School officials and eventually to the janitor seen in Issue # 1.
Sketch: “I tracked the origin of the virus to your school’s computer lab, where a janitor thinks he saw the one who downloaded it from off the internet.”
Rennek is surprised at Sketch’s success and curious for more.
Rennek: “…And…”
Sketch’s smile fades as he admits the unimpressive truth. A flashback of Cody smiling to the janitor is seen.
Sketch: “And he doesn’t remember who he saw.”
Rennek is disappointed, then looks around suspiciously.
Rennek: “Do you feel like someone is watching us?”
In space, a satellite focuses in on the two heroes on the country road side. There are crosshairs in its zooming lens.
An earth-shattering rumble is heard and causes the ground to shake. Rennek and Sketch fall to the ground and see a pillar of smoke rise into the sky. They are both curious and then worried as they see the rocket arc and speed toward them.
Sketch: “Hey Rennek, missiles aren’t guided by…”
Rennek: “…Computers? Yeah.”
Abstract: “To Be Continued…”
Issue 2 Scene 6
Setting: Compass City maximum security prison. This is a large and long building of at least five levels. The stone exterior is complimented by pillars and dramatic architecture. The windows are tall and thin and barred. The interior resembles a typical prison. The main color scemes are grey with earth tones.
The exterior of the prison near its identifying plaque is shown.
Disembodied: “Inmate 5628, get in here.”
The bounty hunter is in an orange jump-suit, sitting in a small interrogation room. He has a smug expression, and has not told his captures anything useful. There is a pane of glass between the convict and the interrogator. There is a small speaker device like a ticket booth on the glass. All text is framed in an electric buzzing bubble. The bounty hunter looks up, but his visitor is not yet revealed.
Inmate: “I thought I would see you again, Experiment A-9-13.”
Alloy stands on the other side of the glass, arms folded.
Abstract: “2 hours later.”
Officer: “We couldn’t get anything out of him either. I can show you the equipment he had on him when we arrested him, but you need special clearance for that.”
Alloy shows his ALOH badge, and is brought to a lab. A bin with a lock on it is opened and the Inmate’s bounty hunter suit and weapons are laid out on the central table. They speak as they lay the items out.
Officer: “We have found traces of Coffee, perfumes, weathered concrete, and…”
Alloy picks up the suit and sniffs it.
Alloy: “Underground molds, Potassium Iodine…”
Alloy is perplexed as he mumbles to himself.
Alloy: “That doesn’t make any sense.”
Issue 2 Scene 5
Setting: ALOH medical facility. This looks like a small one or two room clinic in a large complex of buildings. Rennek is sitting up in her hospital bed, hugging her knees. This is a multi-purpose room, and all medical items look as if they had been placed there as an afterthought. ALOH agents as well as the Renegades and Rene’s parents crowd the small room.
Agent Arcane (The ALOH agent who mostly deals with the Renegades, and who looks like all the other agents) stands tall with his arms folded near the foot of the bed, facing perpendicular to Rene’s bed.
Agent Arcane: “The President has declared this as a National State of Emergency. The ironic thing is that the news and media lines are still compromised. None of the public have heard his announcement.”
Alloy is leaning against the wall sharpening a knife, nearly hiding in the shaded corner.
Alloy: “Who did this? Who is behind it all?”
Agent Arcane: “The Anakboot Terrorists have claimed responsibility. This seems like a viable lead, but we are neck deep in leads right now. We are trying to find those who created the virus. They would be the only ones capable of creating an anit-virus program or a kill-code. That would undo this mess."
Agent Arcane loosens his tie a little bit. Rennek is still on her bed, but she speaks with a free arm. She is still dressed in her Rennek uniform. Her father is on a chair next to the bed beside her mother. He has one hand on his knee, and uses the other as he speaks like Rene.
Rennek: “We can help. The ALOH have trained us for this sort of thing.”
Dr. Anderson: (To Agent Arcane) “Alloy can help, but Rene and Zach are coming home with us.”
Sketch is sitting on a file cabinet, bringing his eyes higher than anyone else’s. He pushes himself off and stands defiantly.
Sketch: “C’mon, I wasn’t sissy slapped like Rene! I’m going with Alloy!”
Agent Arcane: “Actually, your home is the most dangerous place you could go. We have found a dormant part of the virus code. It is some kind of targeting command, focusing on you three. Our men are looking into it now. Helping us follow a few leads is the best option. You need to keep moving.”
Alloy come closer to the group, and speaks proudly in a heroic stance.
Alloy: “I’m going after the Bounty Hunter that attacked us earlier. If the Anakboots are really involved, that is where I need to be.”
Agent Arcane nods.
Agent Arcane: “We also want you to try to track the infection back to Patient Zero, or the first computer infected. We have hundreds of lines to follow, but you can start with when your phones were infected.”
Rennek: “Everyone here got the bug from me, and I got it from my friend Cindy.”
Sketch: “I’ve got this one!”
Sketch volunteered for this a little too eagerly. He looks over to Rennek with a sneaky expression.
Sketch: “So where can I find that good-looking girl anyway?”
Agent Arcane: “We also had an anonymous tip that this was going to happen. Rennek, I want you to investigate. Head to the National Guard Armory just outside the City.”
Issue 2 Scene 4
Setting: Anakboot underground base of operations.
Disembodied: “Our day has come. For generations our kind has fought with swords, guns and missiles. Now we wield the greatest weapon of all time. We now have a choke hold on the life blood of America.”
Guards and other scientist are celebrating with unspecified drinks in the background, drinking directly from cans. The atmosphere is one of cheers, pride and victory. The men and women are openly laughing. Noor Niu (the Fat Terrorist) is standing behind another Anakboot Terrorist viewing a computer screen.
Noor: “You said that our mainframe is still intact?”
Terrorist: “Yes, and as far as I can tell, the Doomsday Virus has only infected American servers and databases. It has kept to the program well, and stayed within the United States. But we have had one problem…”
Noor: “Yes?”
Terrorist: “The Virus’ effect on Dr. Anderson’s holoprojectors was greatly flawed. The Renegades have survived their onslaught.”
Noor looks up at the TV screen, broadcasting only the virus pattern. He smiles, continuing to face the screens. As he speaks, he pulls out a large flash-thumb drive from his pocket.
Noor: “We have enslaved every computing device in the United States and have stolen information from trillions of Government Computers. I have not come this far to be beaten by children. Noor Niu always has a backup plan. I have been called the most brilliant programmer of the Eastern World. I now am in battle with the greatest programmers of the Western World, and I will not fail.”
Terrorist: “What is in your hand?”
Noor turns to the Terrorist again. His face is no longer showing a confident expression, but is now dark and brooding.
Noor: “Something the Renegades will try to steal from me. Every last one of our troops must stop them at all costs. The party is over. Tell them to have their guns at the ready.”
Monday, July 25, 2011
Issue 2 Scene 3
Abstract: “It isn’t easy living on the streets of Brooklyn. For most people…”
A sepia colored flash-back (with everything in green highlighted) reveals the streets of Brooklyn. Zach is a little ragged as he shows a drawing to tourists of the Brooklyn Bridge.
Abstract: “When I heard that my Parents might live out west, I figured I’d check it out. By now I was rich and famous, so I took my private jet.”
Zach sneaks into the storage-area of a tour bus. He is next seen being kicked out by an angry driver and left at a gas station. The bus drives into the distance. A massive meteorite crashes into the earth where the bus had disappeared.
Abstract: “The Meteorite shower took everyone by surprise. We were hit, and fell to the ground in a giant fire-ball. I was the only survivor.”
Zach runs to the crash site, finding the bus buried in shards, rocks and boulders of the green meteorite. He is worried, and pauses for a moment, realizing what he needs to do. He grabs onto each shard and rock and throws them outside the crater or to the side. Soon a door is uncovered, and he helps the passengers to safety.
Abstract: Super brilliant scientists (who hardly anyone could afford) studied the meteorite and decided to give me super powers based on the space rock.
Zach’s hands have some of the green glowing rock burned into them. He looks at his hands in disbelief. Alloy and Rennek had arrived and were helping the people who crashed in the bus with their bruises and cuts.
Abstract: “I found that I could create almost anything out of the green pite which came from my hands. When the Renegades heard about me, they begged me to join their team. I mean, who can blame them?”
Zach runs to catch the Renegades attention right before they takeoff in a helicopter provided and piloted by the ALOH’s agents.
Abstract: I am Sketch, and I’m a Renegade!”
The front page of the Daily Compass shows a large picture of the Renegades with Sketch in his shades filling up most of the picture, trying to hog all the lime-light and upstage the others. It is covering the assault and arrest of the Anakboot terrorist bounty hunter from Issue # 1.
Issue 2 Scene 2
Setting: The deserted Silver Square turned battlefield of downtown Compass City. Small fires have caught in the lower levels of the shops and buildings. Debris is found everywhere. Newsstands have been busted, sending hundreds of papers amiss. Some statues are broken and cars are smashed, cut in half, and stacked on top of each other. The land has been torn up as if with giant shovels, creating broken and overturned pieces of terrain, sidewalk and street, their edges pointing upward. The scene is deserted, except for the three heroes and 12 Virus Projections. All heroes have a few scratches, smudges of mud on their uniforms, and other signs of fighting for a while.
A car is thrown by one of the projections, and rolls through the air toward Alloy, who turns to face it and darts away. The car crashes into a shop store-front.
Alloy: “They have assimilated more battle tactics, how many computers do you think this virus has affected by now?”
Alloy charges like a samurai and swings up at the projection, spins and hits it from the side, and chops down at it. Each time he only hits its hard force-field skin with no affect. The projection slaps him back-handed sending him into fire-hydrant, breaking it. Water bursts into the sky creating a gushing fountain. Rennek jumps into the air and turns only to blast from both hands a huge pillar of anti-energy toward a projection. The blast causes the projection to shrivel into just the projector device. Rennek smiles, but soon learns that as soon as she stops blasting it, the monster grows back to normal size again.
Rennek: “It’s been a couple of hours. The virus could have gone around the world a few times by now. Anti-matter and anti-energy have no effect on them! I’ve never seen anything like it!”
Sketch: “I better still have my playlist after this is done.”
Sketch forms a ball of pite, squishing it tight between his hands. He throws it between four or five projections, which look at it. The next moment, they are all covered in pite as the small ball explodes like a grenade, sticking them all to the ground. They then begin to cut and break out of the mess. Sketch has a “you’ve got to be kidding me” look on his face.
Sketch: (shouting up at Rennek with his hands beside his mouth) “Alright Rennek, we’re not making a dent. What now?”
Rennek: “I, um…”
Rennek flies downward and becomes semi-transparent. She phases into a monster and through the holoprojector, causing it to fizzle out and the projection to vanish. She lands on her feet and materializes again. (1 down, 11 to go.)
Rennek: “Keep them distracted, I’ll - ”
Rennek is hit in the face by a projection, causing her to fall over, knocked-out. The attacking virus projection then stands over her, ready to drive it’s blade-like arm into her. It plunges its arm down but is caught by a pite net limiting its motion from behind. Sketch holds the ends of the net in both hands and pulls with all of his strength. The monster is thrown onto its back, but phases through the net, leaving its projector behind. Alloy quickly runs and smashes the projector with his fist and turns to Sketch. The monster vanishes. (2 down, 10 to go.)
Alloy: “She’s unconscious. I’ll take her somewhere safe, hold them off!”
Sketch creates a whip and shield and smiles, nodding confidently.
Sketch: “They can’t handle the Sketch!”
Alloy rolls his eyes and picks up Rennek. Sketch turns to the oncoming projections and gulps with a nervous look. Two projections charge toward him, razor sharp arms at the ready to plunge down at him. Sketch wraps his whip around one, and yanks it into the other. They phase into each other, but their projectors collide and crash into pieces. (4 down, 8 to go.)
Sketch is frozen in astonishment, eyes wide. He is next seen with a confident smile again, chest high. The remaining eight virus projections close around him in a circle. He throws globs into one of their faces who thrashes violently, breaking through another’s face and destroying its projector. (5 down, 7 to go.) Sketch ducks and dodges a few attacks from the remaining projections, giving himself some distance from them. He turns and forges a bow with three arrows. He launches them at the monsters. The arrows break on the tough skin of a few and flies through some of the others. One which had an arrow fly through it doesn’t see a sword tear up from its back and through the projector. It evaporates with two clean halfs of the holoprojector falling on the ground. At the same moment, one standing next to it suffers the same fate from behind. Both holoprojecters where cut with a fluid motion. (7 down, 5 to go) Alloy holds the sword with his eyes squinted. Sketch proudly gestures to the broken projectors scattered around and smoking.
At about this time, police and ALOH agents assemble around the square, holding their guns at the ready. The crowd of law enforcement slowly grows.
Sketch: “What do you think?”
Alloy: “I think there are five left.”
Alloy runs and jumps into a projection, knocking it onto its back into the spilled water from the fire hydrant. The electric force-field shorts out, causing the monster to disperse throughout the water. Its holoprojector then drops into the deep new puddle, and fizzles out. (8 down, 4 to go.)
Alloy: “Sketch, do you think you can make a strand of pite which acts like a conductor?”
Sketch had wrapped a band of pite around the last few projections and stuck the end onto an electric meter on the side of a large shop.
Sketch: “Way ahead of you Alloy.”
Alloy sends a sword hurdling and spinning through the air. It pierces the meter and blinding arcs of yellow electricity mixes with the blue and white sparks buzzing around each monster. The current travels through the line of pite and blurs all projections, and also burns the holoprojectors.
The two heroes stand victorious over the smoking scene.
Abstract: “My name is Zach McClain. My code-name is Sketch, but you can call me awesome.”
Issue 2 Scene 1
Setting: Scenes around the United States.
The New York Stock exchange on Wall Street is seen. Inside, massive monitors and stock brokers on cell phones shout and do business. The craziness stops however, when the entire room’s computers go dark. Well-dressed tradesmen look at their cell phones, which begin to show the virus’s eerie pattern. The monitors do the same. The main expression on people’s faces is one of confusion.
Cindy Draper is on her laptop while on a couch in her kitchen in front of the TV. Her TV as well as her laptop display the strange pattern. She is deeply worried.
The Las Vegas strip has also been infected. Tourists on the street are standing over a tablet device which is glowing the maze pattern. The neon lights all show only the colors and design of the virus. Large video advertisements are also affected.
Disembodied: “Alloy, look out!”
Side Character Profile: Virus Projection
This supporting character profile has been released in order to assist our Artists and Writers in their art of bringing characters to life. This brief report is a suggestion of what the final character will be, and is subject to alteration in the future. Enjoy!
Virus Projection
Background: The Doomsday Virus infected nearly every computer system in the United States connected to an internet system. It targeted only certain servers within the US' borders, including those at Quantonium Labs. The internet link in the Quantonium Lab Holoprojectors made them vulnerable to the virus, and they became infected. The result was a monsterous projection created by both elements combined.
The Holoprojector creates tangible force fields in certain shapes depending on how they are programed. These projections may be as hard as diamonds or thin as air. The monsters take advantage of this, and while fighting with the Renegades, the projections make their arms sharp as blades and their bodies hard as rock. Yet when the Renegades are most vulnerable, they become immaterial, making them difficult to fight. The only way the Renegades defeat them is by finding ways to get to the projector and destroy it, causing the monsterous projection to fade into oblivion.
Appearance: Each projection looks similar, and when in its solid form, is covered with the strange glowing blue maze pattern typical of the virus. The over all colors fizzing throughout the character is electric-light-blue, white glare, blue-green, and similar shades. It has the shape of a brutishly large man (like a troll with a massive upper body) with small legs in comparison to its freakishly large arms, chest and shoulders. Where its upper chest, neck and head should be is a floating face in a ball of sparking and fizzling electricity, which also surrounds its body at all times. (A semi-close example of the floating face villian can be found in the Marvel Character Dormammu) The face is really just parts of the holoprojector exposed on the surface. It's ball of electricity of a head is round with the shoulders, showing no separation from arm to shoulder to head to shoulder to arm. It's arms end it sharp points as well as its feet. When becoming immaterial, the projection becomes semi-transparent, but the projector device itself still remains solid.The device itself is grey and black and looks very technical, complex, and is the approximate size of a DVD player or gaming system.
Virus Projection
Background: The Doomsday Virus infected nearly every computer system in the United States connected to an internet system. It targeted only certain servers within the US' borders, including those at Quantonium Labs. The internet link in the Quantonium Lab Holoprojectors made them vulnerable to the virus, and they became infected. The result was a monsterous projection created by both elements combined.
The Holoprojector creates tangible force fields in certain shapes depending on how they are programed. These projections may be as hard as diamonds or thin as air. The monsters take advantage of this, and while fighting with the Renegades, the projections make their arms sharp as blades and their bodies hard as rock. Yet when the Renegades are most vulnerable, they become immaterial, making them difficult to fight. The only way the Renegades defeat them is by finding ways to get to the projector and destroy it, causing the monsterous projection to fade into oblivion.
Appearance: Each projection looks similar, and when in its solid form, is covered with the strange glowing blue maze pattern typical of the virus. The over all colors fizzing throughout the character is electric-light-blue, white glare, blue-green, and similar shades. It has the shape of a brutishly large man (like a troll with a massive upper body) with small legs in comparison to its freakishly large arms, chest and shoulders. Where its upper chest, neck and head should be is a floating face in a ball of sparking and fizzling electricity, which also surrounds its body at all times. (A semi-close example of the floating face villian can be found in the Marvel Character Dormammu) The face is really just parts of the holoprojector exposed on the surface. It's ball of electricity of a head is round with the shoulders, showing no separation from arm to shoulder to head to shoulder to arm. It's arms end it sharp points as well as its feet. When becoming immaterial, the projection becomes semi-transparent, but the projector device itself still remains solid.The device itself is grey and black and looks very technical, complex, and is the approximate size of a DVD player or gaming system.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Team Photo
Monday, July 18, 2011
Side Character Profile: Dr, Aquila Anderson
This supporting character profile has been released in order to assist our Artists and Writers in their art of bringing characters to life. This brief report is a suggestion of what the final character will be, and is subject to alteration in the future. Enjoy!
Dr, Aquila Anderson
Background: Dr. Aquila is a typical scientist, with a mind for the calculating and mathematical world of science. He was born and raised in California, and studied at a couple of major southern California universities. He border's on childhood genius, earning his PHD at the age of 18, when he met his wife. He has worked at a few labs and research facilities, but currently is a lead scientist at Quantonium Labs based in Compass City. Dr. Anderson is the lead inventor of the holoprojector. He is also the father of Rene Anderson. To learn more of their relationship, please read Rennek's in-depth profile.
Appearance: Dr. Anderson has strait short brown hair with white hairs running through it, but it is usually a mess. He has a very thin build and is a little taller than average. His smile is contagious, and he has blue eyes. He may wear a mustache. He is usually wearing his lab coat, but wears a green suit and green tie for special occasions.
Dr, Aquila Anderson
Background: Dr. Aquila is a typical scientist, with a mind for the calculating and mathematical world of science. He was born and raised in California, and studied at a couple of major southern California universities. He border's on childhood genius, earning his PHD at the age of 18, when he met his wife. He has worked at a few labs and research facilities, but currently is a lead scientist at Quantonium Labs based in Compass City. Dr. Anderson is the lead inventor of the holoprojector. He is also the father of Rene Anderson. To learn more of their relationship, please read Rennek's in-depth profile.
Appearance: Dr. Anderson has strait short brown hair with white hairs running through it, but it is usually a mess. He has a very thin build and is a little taller than average. His smile is contagious, and he has blue eyes. He may wear a mustache. He is usually wearing his lab coat, but wears a green suit and green tie for special occasions.
Side Character Profile: Noor Niu
This supporting character profile has been released in order to assist our Artists and Writers in their art of bringing characters to life. This brief report is a suggestion of what the final character will be, and is subject to alteration in the future. Enjoy!
Noor Niu (Fat Terrorist)
Background: Noor was born and raised in Malaysia, with a Malaysian mother and an Iranian Father. He is a brilliant computer programmer, and speaks fair English. He is employed by the Anakboot Terrorist Organization, and is the mastermind behind the Doomsday Virus.
Appearance: Noor looks middle-eastern, and has a black short-boxed beard, which is trimmed short and runs from his sideburns down and around his chin, connecting with his mustache which boxes in his mouth. He wears his hair in a pony-tail. He is very over weight, and looks like a slob, even in his Anakboot issued jump-suit which is a watered down version of what the bounty hunters and guards wear - light black armor ontop of red black and grey BDUs.
Noor Niu (Fat Terrorist)
Background: Noor was born and raised in Malaysia, with a Malaysian mother and an Iranian Father. He is a brilliant computer programmer, and speaks fair English. He is employed by the Anakboot Terrorist Organization, and is the mastermind behind the Doomsday Virus.
Appearance: Noor looks middle-eastern, and has a black short-boxed beard, which is trimmed short and runs from his sideburns down and around his chin, connecting with his mustache which boxes in his mouth. He wears his hair in a pony-tail. He is very over weight, and looks like a slob, even in his Anakboot issued jump-suit which is a watered down version of what the bounty hunters and guards wear - light black armor ontop of red black and grey BDUs.
Side Character Profile: Redonna Napier
This supporting character profile has been released in order to assist our Artists and Writers in their art of bringing characters to life. This brief report is a suggestion of what the final character will be, and is subject to alteration in the future. Enjoy!
Major Redonna Napier (Old Woman)
Background: When the average person has night mares, they see terrorists. When terrorists have nightmares, they see Redonna Napier. She is the highest known official of the Anackboot Terrorist Organization on American Soil, and is one of the FBI's most wanted. She was hired into her position, but still has a crazed zealousness to get the job done that made her infamous in other terrorist circles. She has been known to send agents on suicide missions, and has used her own men as human shields against her enemies. Much of her is a mystery, but her past is filled with evading authorities and master-minding attacks in multiple countries as each operation's cheif architect. Redonna grew up and was trained in the United States.
Appearance: Redonna is a very old black woman, with wrinkled skin. Her white hair is pulled very tight up into a bun behind her head. Her intense hatred and stern attitude is permanently in her face. Scars are found on her face and hands. She is dressed like a business woman, in a blazer and pants, probably in a dark blue, with pin stripes. She could pass as a principal, government agent, or a judge.
Major Redonna Napier (Old Woman)
Background: When the average person has night mares, they see terrorists. When terrorists have nightmares, they see Redonna Napier. She is the highest known official of the Anackboot Terrorist Organization on American Soil, and is one of the FBI's most wanted. She was hired into her position, but still has a crazed zealousness to get the job done that made her infamous in other terrorist circles. She has been known to send agents on suicide missions, and has used her own men as human shields against her enemies. Much of her is a mystery, but her past is filled with evading authorities and master-minding attacks in multiple countries as each operation's cheif architect. Redonna grew up and was trained in the United States.
Appearance: Redonna is a very old black woman, with wrinkled skin. Her white hair is pulled very tight up into a bun behind her head. Her intense hatred and stern attitude is permanently in her face. Scars are found on her face and hands. She is dressed like a business woman, in a blazer and pants, probably in a dark blue, with pin stripes. She could pass as a principal, government agent, or a judge.
Side Character Profile: Cody Wilcox
This supporting character profile has been released in order to assist our Artists and Writers in their art of bringing characters to life. This brief report is a suggestion of what the final character will be, and is subject to alteration in the future. Enjoy!
Cody Wilcox
Background: Cody is an Australian with European Ancestry. Most of his back story is a mystery, especially to Rene. He is a new student to Summit High and lives in his own apartment in Compass City. He is the owner of the internet cafe, and is not shy at all in sharing this. He is truly a very wealthy teenager on account of working secretly for the Anakboot Terrorist organization. He drives a red mustang. It is still unclear exactly what he does for the terrorists. There is a possibility in the future that he will turn on his employers, but his loyalties are never exactly clear.
His way with people is mesmerizing, and his winning smile can dazzle even the most stoic of people. His relationship with Rene is still in the painfully aloof stages, but he is flirtatious enough that she has not given up on him. He is very clever, and is often the top of his class.
Appearance: He has a large masculine build, but is not overly-muscular. Cody's hair is curled, and possible blond. His fashion is such which makes him catch they eye of most girls he meets. He is taller than the average teenager. He looks like the perfect match for Cindy or Rene.
Cody Wilcox
Background: Cody is an Australian with European Ancestry. Most of his back story is a mystery, especially to Rene. He is a new student to Summit High and lives in his own apartment in Compass City. He is the owner of the internet cafe, and is not shy at all in sharing this. He is truly a very wealthy teenager on account of working secretly for the Anakboot Terrorist organization. He drives a red mustang. It is still unclear exactly what he does for the terrorists. There is a possibility in the future that he will turn on his employers, but his loyalties are never exactly clear.
His way with people is mesmerizing, and his winning smile can dazzle even the most stoic of people. His relationship with Rene is still in the painfully aloof stages, but he is flirtatious enough that she has not given up on him. He is very clever, and is often the top of his class.
Appearance: He has a large masculine build, but is not overly-muscular. Cody's hair is curled, and possible blond. His fashion is such which makes him catch they eye of most girls he meets. He is taller than the average teenager. He looks like the perfect match for Cindy or Rene.
Side Character Profile: Cindy Draper
This supporting character profile has been released in order to assist our Artists and Writers in their art of bringing characters to life. This brief report is a suggestion of what the final character will be, and is subject to alteration in the future. Enjoy!
Cindy Draper
Background: Cindy is Rene's best friend, had as been since they first met a year ago when Rene moved to Compass City from San Diego. She is a very typical white American girl, leaning on the Barbie-esque side of appearance and behavior. She does not have Rene's calculating, calm, optimistic or pensive presence, and is far more light minded than her friend. In a lot of ways, Cindy and Rene can be considered opposites, but they both see the benefits of staying close. Cindy enjoys the fame and position of Rene, as well as Rene's personality, help with homework, and so forth. Cindy is obsessed with public image and fitting into the right crowds, and tends to be a grounding force to Rene to keep her mind on her social obligations. Cindy gets along with Rene's mother really well (sometimes more than Rene) and both of their mothers spend a great deal of time together. Cindy is something of a gossip, and extremely trendy. She has average intelligence, but her emotional and social intelligence and instincts are spot on. It is possible that the 10 year old Sketch has a big crush on her, with is nothing short of annoying to Rene.
Appearance: Cindy is a very attractive and popular girl, with the curves, posture and build of a movie star. She dresses like Rene, in the most up to date in expensive fashion, and always wears high-heels and make-up. Purses and matching accessories are always added to her overall look. Her hair is never seen in the same style twice. She, when next to Rene, makes her seem somewhat plain. She could have blond, brunet or red hair. (Perhaps she always dyes her hair, so it is possible that we may never really know her true color.) She usually has a healthy tan.
Cindy Draper
Background: Cindy is Rene's best friend, had as been since they first met a year ago when Rene moved to Compass City from San Diego. She is a very typical white American girl, leaning on the Barbie-esque side of appearance and behavior. She does not have Rene's calculating, calm, optimistic or pensive presence, and is far more light minded than her friend. In a lot of ways, Cindy and Rene can be considered opposites, but they both see the benefits of staying close. Cindy enjoys the fame and position of Rene, as well as Rene's personality, help with homework, and so forth. Cindy is obsessed with public image and fitting into the right crowds, and tends to be a grounding force to Rene to keep her mind on her social obligations. Cindy gets along with Rene's mother really well (sometimes more than Rene) and both of their mothers spend a great deal of time together. Cindy is something of a gossip, and extremely trendy. She has average intelligence, but her emotional and social intelligence and instincts are spot on. It is possible that the 10 year old Sketch has a big crush on her, with is nothing short of annoying to Rene.
Appearance: Cindy is a very attractive and popular girl, with the curves, posture and build of a movie star. She dresses like Rene, in the most up to date in expensive fashion, and always wears high-heels and make-up. Purses and matching accessories are always added to her overall look. Her hair is never seen in the same style twice. She, when next to Rene, makes her seem somewhat plain. She could have blond, brunet or red hair. (Perhaps she always dyes her hair, so it is possible that we may never really know her true color.) She usually has a healthy tan.
Side Character Profile: ALOH Agents
This supporting character profile has been released in order to assist our Artists and Writers in their art of bringing characters to life. This brief report is a suggestion of what the final character will be, and is subject to alteration in the future. Enjoy!
ALOH Agents
Background: These are the good guys, but look more like lawyers and stock brokers than anything else. ALOH Agents are government agents assigned to work in the specific task force of the American League of Heroes. This agency reports on, monitors, trains, aids and assists super heroes in the United States, providing them with additional resources as well as missions and assignments to fulfill. Heroes, like the Renegades, get leads from and report to the ALOH, who then act as a liaison with local law enforcement and the State and Federal Government. The ALOH also at times give heroes important things to do to help improve the media and public image of the ALOH and heroes alike. The League doesn't pay heroes, but assists them on a full time basis with their heroics. All three Renegades have been working with the ALOH since they became heroes, and Alloy even lives in one of their complexes.
There is nothing really super or extraordinary about the ALOH, only that it is well connected. They have high-level security clearances and can get information from the FBI, CIA and other Federal Agencies. Their top operatives (Super heroes like the Renegades) are granted access to information and establishments much like police men, and carry the ALOH Badge with them (given they have fulfilled the necessary tests and training):
Appearance: ALOH agents are the typical "Men in Black" of American pop culture. They wear sunglasses and suits, usually black suits and expensive sleek black shoes. They may have a side-arm hidden under their suit coats. They are usually friendly, however, smiling and cracking jokes. They have military hair-cuts. They present their badges as police men, federal agents and investigators usually do - by flashing their wallets. These are usually men, but women are often are found in their ranks as well - especially when dealing with the Renegades.
ALOH Agents
Background: These are the good guys, but look more like lawyers and stock brokers than anything else. ALOH Agents are government agents assigned to work in the specific task force of the American League of Heroes. This agency reports on, monitors, trains, aids and assists super heroes in the United States, providing them with additional resources as well as missions and assignments to fulfill. Heroes, like the Renegades, get leads from and report to the ALOH, who then act as a liaison with local law enforcement and the State and Federal Government. The ALOH also at times give heroes important things to do to help improve the media and public image of the ALOH and heroes alike. The League doesn't pay heroes, but assists them on a full time basis with their heroics. All three Renegades have been working with the ALOH since they became heroes, and Alloy even lives in one of their complexes.
There is nothing really super or extraordinary about the ALOH, only that it is well connected. They have high-level security clearances and can get information from the FBI, CIA and other Federal Agencies. Their top operatives (Super heroes like the Renegades) are granted access to information and establishments much like police men, and carry the ALOH Badge with them (given they have fulfilled the necessary tests and training):
Appearance: ALOH agents are the typical "Men in Black" of American pop culture. They wear sunglasses and suits, usually black suits and expensive sleek black shoes. They may have a side-arm hidden under their suit coats. They are usually friendly, however, smiling and cracking jokes. They have military hair-cuts. They present their badges as police men, federal agents and investigators usually do - by flashing their wallets. These are usually men, but women are often are found in their ranks as well - especially when dealing with the Renegades.
Side Character Profile: Bounty Hunter
This supporting character profile has been released in order to assist our Artists and Writers in their art of bringing characters to life. This brief report is a suggestion of what the final character will be, and is subject to alteration in the future. Enjoy!
Anakboot Bounty Hunter
Background: All Anakboot special ops are highly trained in close combat as well as in the use of highly sophisticated apparatuses. They are a task force appointed by one of the most powerful organizations in the world and are trained to serve and protect their scientists and agents.
The Bounty Hunters which go after Alloy do so with the knowledge of previous failures to execute this mission from their colleagues. They know the Renegades and their abilities well, but they underestimate these super-kids.
Each Bounty Hunter is lean and mean. They are comparable to Navy Seals and have advanced technical weaponry from around the world (most likely illegally obtained.) They are paid very well so they are more like mercenaries than anything else.
Appearance: Their appearance is predominately black, with a mix of red grey and black camouflage patterns for their sleeves and pants. The Anakboot symbol is sewn as patches on their shoulders and uniforms, and printed on their gear and weapons. They have helmets and body armor like a swat team, yet they also have magazines, utility belts and other features common to a field soldier. Their eyes are never seen, and covered by high-tech goggles like night vision goggles. Their muscles are massive and their expressions are stern. They can belong to any race. Their technology of weapons and clothing leans on the high-tech side or futuristic side of things.
Anakboot Bounty Hunter
Background: All Anakboot special ops are highly trained in close combat as well as in the use of highly sophisticated apparatuses. They are a task force appointed by one of the most powerful organizations in the world and are trained to serve and protect their scientists and agents.
The Bounty Hunters which go after Alloy do so with the knowledge of previous failures to execute this mission from their colleagues. They know the Renegades and their abilities well, but they underestimate these super-kids.
Each Bounty Hunter is lean and mean. They are comparable to Navy Seals and have advanced technical weaponry from around the world (most likely illegally obtained.) They are paid very well so they are more like mercenaries than anything else.
Appearance: Their appearance is predominately black, with a mix of red grey and black camouflage patterns for their sleeves and pants. The Anakboot symbol is sewn as patches on their shoulders and uniforms, and printed on their gear and weapons. They have helmets and body armor like a swat team, yet they also have magazines, utility belts and other features common to a field soldier. Their eyes are never seen, and covered by high-tech goggles like night vision goggles. Their muscles are massive and their expressions are stern. They can belong to any race. Their technology of weapons and clothing leans on the high-tech side or futuristic side of things.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Issue 1 Scene 6
Setting: Back at the Press Conference in Silver Square, filled with News Reporters (See setting to Scene 4). There are now massive (regular) projector screens with slide-shows displayed on them, aiding in the presentation on the stage behind the speakers. The Renegades in Uniform are seen with other city officials standing on the grass surrounding the stage. Sketch is slowly falling asleep on his feet out of boredom. It is about 6:00 pm. As Dr. Anderson continues his presentation, holoprojector devices show samples of what he is talking about. Each projector is housed in a glass or plastic large booth, on a table surrounded by gates and guards from the lab that created the projectors (Quantonium Labs). There are about nine such projectors which are offset through the crowd near the stage.
Dr. Anderson: “ …And that is why The Quantonim Holoprojector is being considered as the greatest invention of the decade. Imagine being operated on by a Holographic Surgeon, programed to work with accuracy down to the nanometer. Think of all the materials and labor saved by generating building materials forged out of pure electricity. And picture if you will, complete tangible objects, tools, instruments, downloaded from the internet and generated before your eyes. The projections can be as solid, or as immaterial as the program prescribes. The possibilities are truly endless.”
Dr. Anderson is elated, and the grandeur of the event is contagious. News Reporters have their hands raised and compete for a chance to capture the Doctor’s attention. One in particular, Vicky Flash, is a spunky red-headed 18 year old.
Vicky: “Vicky Flash with ‘The Daily Compass.’ Dr. Anderson, how exactly can a three dimensional projection have the kind of corporeal essence you have suggested?”
A scientist steps in front of Dr. Anderson and answers for him.
Scientist: “I’m afraid the essential technology behind the holoprojector is still a trade secret, but suffice it to say that the device and projections are fed by a field oscillating battery, and receives the massive specific coding needed to form solid objects through a live feed from our labs’ database, which is continually being improved upon and modified.”
Another Reporter: “You stated earlier that the force-field on the skin of the holoprojection can have the consistency of diamonds. What measures have been taken to ensure that weapons or dangerous items are not downloaded and created? What is to prevent the onset of holographic warfare?
Dr. Anderson: “That is a very good question, however this is only a press conference to demonstrate the cutting edge of the science of holoprojection, it is too early to address public distribution.”
The Doctors and officials on the stage laugh in support of Dr. Anderson’s comments and in mockery to the ridiculousness of the last question. That is when everything goes dark.
All phones, electrical devices, cameras, projections, and lights in the surrounding buildings go off. After a moment of confusion, the devices switch back on. Rennek looks down at her cell phone, with a text message.
Text message: (From Cindy) “Hey, is this a picture of you?” (With a link over the word “you.”)
Rennek answers the link, and suddenly her Father’s phone rings, and all of her other friends’ phones buzz, along with Alloy’s and Sketch’s. They all receive the virus too, and after hitting the link and spreading the virus to all of their contacts, the screens of their phones fill with a strange scrolling glowing blue-green maze pattern. The pattern is eerie and alien looking. The same pattern is seen on the TV cameras, the slide-shows, and every screen in the square.
Mayham fills the square. Cars crash as the traffic lights are scrambled. Every computer system is now infected, and not working properly. The reporters and spectators rush in different directions. The Renegades assemble as they assess the situation. Then a crashing noise is heard.
One of the projectors fizzles with sparks and has burst a projection, shattering the glass box in which it was kept. It falls onto the ground, and slowly materializes into a huge chest, arms, body and legs. Where its neck and head would be, a buzzing ball of electricity houses a face based off of the projector. The rest of the “body” has the exact same eerie maze pattern typical of the virus. Surrounding the massive beast or projection is a buzz of electricity like an unstable force-field. Its arms end in sharp blades, as well as its legs. The projection swings its arms and destroys the table on which it was first housed. It then goes on a destructive rampage, picking up empty cars and slicing them into pieces. People run in terror away in all directions. It catches view of the Renegades, turns and moves back toward them.
Sketch: “Whoa, I snooze for a second and the world goes nuts. What’s with ugly over there?”
Sketch points a thumb to the new virus projection.
Rennek: “It’s some kind of computer virus, it has to be, and it has infected one of the holoprojectors!”
Alloy pulls out two swords from his belt and holds them in each hand at the ready, in a dramatic pose.
Rennek turns to Sketch.
Rennek: “You’re a gamer Sketch, any ideas?”
As Rennek is talking with Sketch, Alloy runs at full speed into the monster. He flips over car wreckage and swings both blades against it, but the swords stop on its skin with a spark. The monster looks at Alloy and swings its arm to slice him, but Alloy ducks in time. Alloy then drops one sword and plunges one blade with both hands into the projection, yet it had become immaterial, and Alloy finds himself plunging through the monster and exiting through its back. Alloy nearly loses his balance in surprise. The Virus turns and slices at Alloy again who holds up his sword to block it. The blade is cut clean in half.
Rennek runs to the rescue and blasts the Virus Projection with anti-energy. The projection begins to evaporate, but darts out of the way, and grows to twice its original size. Sketch forges and throws darts and spears, all of which flies through the projection as if it were thin air.
Sketch: “Um, nope, I have no idea – how do you fight a program?”
Alloy: “We must destroy the projector! Aim for the projector!”
The Giant monster steps onto a statue in the square, destroying it. It then stomps a foot onto Rennek, but she quickly phases into her semi-transparent state before it reached her. She then looks up at the projector floating above her with a determined expression. She jumps and flies up to the Projector, grabs it, and phases through the back of the Creature. She holds up the projector with both hands in the air as the monster dissolves in agonized gestures.
Rennek: “Sketch – seal it off!”
Sketch creates a wad of pite in one hand and hurls it. It splats and wraps around the projector, sealing over it like cement. A well aimed throwing knife from Alloy flies through the air, and pierces the covered projector. The sparking, smoking, broken projector covered in pite then crashed onto the ground.
Sketch: “That was easy.”
Sketch stands proudly over the covered projector, only to find something happening behind him that Rennek and Alloy can already see.
The other projectors were now infected, and an army of Virus projections surround the three heroes.
Abstract: “To Be Continued…”
Issue 1 Scene 5
Setting: Back at the High school, only a few administrators and janitors are left wandering through the halls. Some of the lights are off.
A tall figure makes his way through an empty hall and approaches a locked door. He pulls out a large key chain filled with no less than 12 similar looking keys and finds a fit in the lock. He slips into the computer lab undetected, and logs into the system as an administrator. He quickly finds a website in a foreign language and moves the mouse to the “Download File” button. Before he can click it, he is interrupted. He quickly looks to the door. His face isn’t yet revealed.
A janitor enters with a back-mounted vacuum cleaner, listening to an Ipod. He is surprised to find a student in the room he is about to clean.
Janitor: “The lab is closed kid, get out.”
The figure faces the Janitor. It is Cory. He gives his winning smile.
Cory: “I was just finishing up.”
Cory turns back and clicks the “Download File” button.
He quickly leaves the computer and exits the room. The Janitor is last seen with a confused expression. A strange glowing blue-green maze pattern is reflected in his glasses as he looks at the computer screen. The scene is uneasy and suspenseful.
Issue 1 Scene 4
Setting: A road leading up to Silver Square, and Silver Square itself, the central town square of Compass City. It is a traditional town center with high end shops, (antique collectors, fancy restaurants, expensive shoe store, etc.) a Court house, a Library, and a full park with trails, trees and a fountain. It is very clean, and the entire square is very well landscaped and designed. The shops are very old-Americanesque with a new England feel to them. There are intersections at each “corner” of the park, and adobe colored walk ways which wind in interesting shapes, so that the park is not a perfect square, but symmetrical all the same. The square also has the usual newspaper stands, street lamps, fire hydrants, etc. Today, the park of the square is filled with people, TV news teams, spectators of all sorts, and passers-by. At this time of day, the square is usually as busy as a down-town mall in the evening. Behind the square are sky scrapers, and mountains to the North.
Rene and Cindy make their way to the park in the center of Silver Square from Cindy's house which is a few blocks away. They are both carrying back packs (Rene’s significantly larger and heavier than Cindy’s.)
Cindy: “He’s cute, but he’s not your type Rene.”
Rene: “Cody is very much my type, and what would you know about it?”
Cindy: “Really? I’ve been your best friend for a year and you think I can’t tell if a guy is completely wrong for you?”
Rene: “You are just upset because he talked to me first.”
Rene meant what she said lightly, but her friend took it offensively. Cindy stops on the sidewalk with her arms folded. Rene stops ahead of her and looks back.
Cindy: “Something isn’t right about Cody. I can tell. Don’t you trust me?”
Rene looks to the park ahead of them, with a pensive expression.
Rene: "I have to change. The ALOH wants the Renegades to represent them while my Dad presents the invention. Something about public image…”
Rene runs ahead, leaving Cindy behind. Cindy looks unconvinced that her friend is taking her seriously. Rene begins to pull her super-hero suit from her back-pack, only to run into Sketch who was running from the other direction. They both crash to the ground.
Sketch: “Hey, sorry Rene, I’m just trying to get away from Alloy. He keeps getting on my case for picking up hot dog this morning.”
Rene: “Well can you blame him? You completely ditched when we needed you Zach!”
They help each other up, which is a little awkward since Zach is shorter than Rene. Zach pretends to be distracted to avoid the topic.
Sketch: “Whoa, my future girlfriend looks lost, I should show her around.”
Zach darts into the crowd. Rene rolls her eyes, and stays along the edge of the crowd as she looks for a place to change. Alloy finds her. He is in full uniform, but is shrouded in his black cloak with his hood up.
Alloy: “There is something wrong. I can’t place it yet… But all these people shouldn’t be here.”
Rene: “I know how much you hate crowds Alloy, but this is a big deal for my Dad, and his team’s inventions might change the world today. Try to enjoy yourself.”
Rene manages a grin as she looks over the crowd. The excitement of the announcement grips her, and she is filled with anticipation. The crowd is busy and eager as well. Her father, in a light grey business suit, stands from his chair on a stage. He addresses the crowd with a microphone. His colleagues with varying ages, skin colors and features stand with him as well.
Alloy: “You need to hurry, they’re starting.”
Friday, July 15, 2011
Issue 1 Scene 3
Setting: A small corner store at an unimportant intersection on the edge of Compass City. It is a small internet café, which is similar to a regular café in look, feel and atmosphere. However, at every bar and table are permanent lap-top computers. The store has a new-age look with posters and decorations designed to attract a teenage girl crowd. Many teens are on social sites and are some are talking while enjoying a drink. It looks like this place may even be run by teenagers.
A stern-looking wrinkled black woman enters the café. She is dressed in a business suit, and dark glasses. Her white hair is tied up in a bun. She quickly passes a couple of 13 year old friends, standing by at neighboring computers. Each computer rests on a counter above their waists.
Girl 1: “No way, no way!”
Girl 2: “I know, right?”
The old woman approaches the main bar.
Café Girl: “What? How many appraisals do we need anyway?”
Old Woman: “Your basement may have asbestos. I need to investigate post haste. I don’t have time to talk, where is that key?”
She was upset and impatient.
Café Girl: “Whatever, I wouldn’t doubt it. We never go in there, who knows what could be going on under this old place.”
The girl handed her a key which was kept in a safe. The old woman snatched it quickly and headed to the back of the store, there she unlocked a door. Beyond the door, the look of the building completely changed. The walls and floor were concrete, with security cameras and high tech equipment on the walls. The woman crossed the small room to a door on the other side. She muttered under her breath.
Old Woman: Stupid American…
She typed in a code on a key pad and the door turned into the wall around a cylinder shaped elevator. She stepped in and disappeared to the levels below.
Setting: The Old Woman exited the elevator into an underground complex. It was an old bomb shelter, with every wall, ceiling and floor made of concrete. Large pillars supported the ceiling like a massive parking garage. It is a high-tech facility with large flat TVs on the walls, tables with computers belonging to three or four connected monitors, and tanks of oxygen, food stock piles, etc. This is a fully equipped self-sustainable bomb shelter, capable of supporting a large group of people for a year. It has recently been converted into an Anakboot terrorist base. The Anakboot flag (Black with a red spider design on it) is proudly hung on the wall. Heavily armed guards matching the bounty hunter are stationed throughout the vast space.
Old Woman: “Humiliation, utter humiliation!”
The Old woman stormed into the complex, and several computer hackers, cyber terrorist and workers rose to their feet. They were of mixed nationalities, but all had a similar shaggy and unkept look. All were in uniform, a type of black jumpsuit with side arms, etc. She approached one overweight man with a black pony tail and unshaven middle-eastern face. She hit him over the head with a rolled up newspaper in her hand.
Old Woman: “The Virus should have been finished months ago! I cannot live another day like this. They are openly mocking us!”
She threw her paper aside and with a remote turned up the volume on one of the TVs covering the local news. Footage of the Renegades making short work of the bounty hunter is played from earlier that day.
News Anchor: “It was another amazing victory by the Renegades. It is unclear what the perpetrator was after, but authorities have confirmed that he is indeed another member of the Anakboot Terrorist organization. It is believed that the Anakboot Terrorists currently house three of the FBI’s most wanted, all suspected cyber terrorists. Yet the organization has had their last several attempted attacks on the United States foiled. Their attempted raid on the FBI’s database last year…”
Old Woman: “Do you see? This country idolizes children and glorifies freaks while they call us failures! But they don’t even understand. They don’t understand how corrupt their society is. Their days are numbered.”
The woman clenches her fist in rage. All of the others in the complex avoid eye contact. She is obviously a figure of high importance to them. The overweight pony-tailed man speaks up, first with his back to her.
Fat Terrorist: “We all hate the Renegades. That is why I have been improving upon the program. The plan is perfect. The Virus will enslave every database and computer system in the country, and feed us the information we need. We will have access to the personal information of millions, as well as the countries secrets in the CIA. America will be plunged into Chaos.”
The fat man stands and with confidence looks down upon the short old woman.
Fat Terrorist: Their economy, their military, everything will be destroyed, and they won’t even know it until it is too late.”
Old Woman: You fools have been saying this for years. You haven’t even been able to capture Alloy! I want results!
Fat Terrorist: You will have results. The code is ready. We have a man on the inside waiting to download the virus onto the city’s network as we speak. And don’t worry about the Renegades…”
The fat man glared at the news broadcast.
Fat Terrorist: They will get what’s coming to them.
Issue 1 Scene 2
Setting: We now see the inside of Summit High School of Compass City. Their mascot is the falcon and their colors are blue and gold. The lockers filling the hallways and crowds look like a very average high school which has been around at least five years. It is a public high school, and the class rooms reflect a little bit of each teacher’s personality and subject material.
Rene, her friend Cindy Draper and Cory Wilcox are in a computer lab which is set up in rows facing the front. In the front of the room, the High School teacher uses a laser pointer and a projector screen to present his slide show on computer viruses. He is an extremely dull teacher, and only a hand full of kids pay attention. Others are playing games, emailing, and so forth. This is revealed by seeing their monitors. One close by kid has fallen asleep completely, drooling onto the table and typing the same letter over and over with his head.
The Teacher, Mr. Rius is black-skinned with a black goatee and military hair cut. He has large circular glasses with such a glare that his eyes cannot be seen behind them. He is fairly young for a High School Teacher, and has a good taste in formal fashion.
Teacher: “It is a term which covers many different malignant programs. These programs may be designed to damage files on your computer, steal your personal information such as passwords, take over and control your computer’s other programs, and so on.”
Rene turns to her friend Cindy. They are both sitting a row in front of Cory.
Rene: “What have I missed?”
Cindy: “Like three classes, where were you?”
Rene: Arresting bounty hunters. They keep sending more and more to capture Alloy. He doesn’t think they stand a chance, but I’m worried.”
Teacher: “… Or they can seem like innocuous programs. All you need to do is download them for them to infect your computer, sometimes instantly. You might think you are downloading an anti-virus program, or a game or music file. In some cases, that is what you get, but a virus may piggy-back on the other file, hidden in the code. Sometimes you just get a bug under a wrong label. Does anyone know what this type of file is called? Those of you familiar with Greek mythology may be able to make a good guess.”
Cindy: “Well I’m worried about you, it isn’t like you to miss class so much.”
Teacher: “Miss Anderson?”
Rene was caught off guard, and obviously was not listening to the question, or the instruction.
Disembodied: “A Trojan Program, like the Trojan Horse.”
Rene looked back, to find that the answer came from the cutest boy in class, Cody Wilcox.
Teacher: “That is correct Mr. Wilcox... I understand this is a big day for you Miss Anderson. Your father’s invention sounds like it will revolutionize digital technology. However…”
The Teacher stepped toward Rene’s computer and placed his hand on her monitor.
Teacher: “This is the second tardy in a row. One more spells detention young lady.”
Abstract: “After Class…”
Cody leaned against his elbow, against a locker in the hallway. His hand was burried in his curly blonde hair, and his other hand was partially in his pocket. His posture shows his confidence. His large muscular figure towered over Rene who hugged her book and notes against her chest, timidly.
Cody: “It’s too bad you can’t be in two places at once. Have you ever wondered if you do too much?”
Rene grinned. She likes the attention from Cody. She has had her eye on him since they barely met on the first day. However, a real conversation between them was a rare thing. His expression was casual, but he had the smile of a friendly tease.
Rene: I don’t think that matters. People need me out there, don’t they? I mean, no one else can really do what I do.
Cody: Well you need to be here. Even Super Heroes deserve a break. Besides...”
Some of Cody’s friends come by and he begins to walk away with them. He talks sideways back at Rene.
Cody: “I’m getting tired of being the smart kid.”
Rene thinks a bit on what Cody said. She talks quietly to herself.
Rene: “Don’t worry,”
She turns and heads the opposite direction down the hall.
Rene: “I know what I am doing.”
The last view of her face reveals an uneasy or unsure expression.
Issue 1 Scene 1
Setting: It is the down-town area of Compass City, which is a large bustling city of skyscrapers and busy streets. It has a clean, new and modern look with mountains to the North, a bay to the south, parks, lakes and monuments. It represents an ideal American City.
A bounty hunter is perched on the roof top. He is dressed in green BDUs with a mess of military equipment, gadgets and tools. He has a helmet equipped with night vision goggles, and he is fitted with bullet proof vests and high quality gizmos. The red spider (the symbol of the Anakboot Terrorists) is found all over him. (Imagine a spy, Batman or Ninja gone bad, as that is how he looks and fights.) He loads a chemical filled dart into a gun and aims it. Alloy is on an adjacent roof. He catches Alloy in the crosshairs. Before he can shoot, however, he finds his gun is jammed and stuck to his arm by a mass of pite.
Sketch: “Rennek, Alloy, over here!”
The bounty hunter sweeps a kick, tripping Sketch. He falls off the tall building, only to be caught by the flying Rennek. She heads to the roof-top nearby where Alloy had been and sets Sketch down.
Rennek: “Careful Sketch! We need to stick to the plan. Regroup with Alloy and wait for my signal.”
Rennek leaps into the air and soars toward the bounty hunter.
Sketch shrugs and turns to Alloy.
Sketch: “It’s one of your old friends from the Anakboot Terrorists. I’m guessing he’s trying to take you alive. You have this right?”
Alloy pulls out a couple of large daggers.
Alloy: “He won’t be a problem, but don’t go anywhere.”
He runs and jumps, embedding the blades into the frame of the other building. He starts to climb up to where Rennek and the Bounty Hunter are. Sketch sees him, and takes an elevator to lower levels, nonchalantly.
Rennek faces the man with her fists up bravely.
Rennek: “You are not going anywhere near Alloy, he’s one of us now!”
The bounty hunter jumps to the side and throws a grenade which bursts into a net. Rennek charges into it and becomes partially transparent and it phases through her. She smirks.
Rennek: “Is that your best shot?”
The bounty hunter (with an expression showing his disbelief) pulls out a cross-bow with his free hand, aims and fires. Rennek is too slow to dodge it, but the flash of blades whip through the air. The dart and cross-bow are now in slices on the ground. Alloy returns his swords to their scabbards and blocks a punch from the hunter. He also dodges a kick and cleverly twists both of the hunter’s hands behind his back.
Alloy: “Sketch, I could use some pite to cuff his hands together.”
Rennek: “Sketch?”
Both heroes look for Sketch, but he is nowhere in sight. Sketch is actually on the street, buying a hot dog, with a carefree attitude.
Sketch: “Look, what kind of hot dog stand doesn’t have sauerkraut?”
Back on the roof, the hunter lunges and head-butts Alloy, breaking free. He pulls out another gun and darts toward Rennek, who blasts him with a shot of anti-energy from her hands. This causes the hunter to fall onto the roof, asleep.
Rennek: “I can only keep him asleep for a couple of minutes, but we did it.”
Rennek smiles, and dusts off her hands. Alloy, however, is upset.
Alloy: “No, he came too close that time Rennek…” He turns and speaks to her over his shoulder. “If Sketch keeps this up, I will find a new team.”
The bounty hunter is next seen in hand-cuffs and surrounded by police men, who escort him into a police van. The three heroes don’t seem to be getting along very well. Inaudible conversations with the police and news reporters give way to Rennek’s abstract narration.
Abstract: “My name is Rene. But to the world, I’m Rennek.”
A few people cheer and shout as the bounty hunter is driven down the street. Sketch parades like a rock-star, Alloy hunches and avoids the public attention. Rennek folds her arms offering the occasional wave.
Abstract: “I wasn’t always a super hero. One year ago, I was in my room, doing homework.”
A sepia colored flash back reveals the room of a wealthy teenage girl. Rene is sitting on her bed. (She is really reading a love letter from a classmate.) She looks over her shoulder, curiously. Without warning, she finds her room completely destroyed by strange blue waves. Debris is thrown everywhere, including books, building materials, shredded clothes, etc. She is seen in a dramatic struggling pose.
Abstract: “My Father calls it a space-time tsunami. Ripples in the fabric of reality had converged, and I was caught in the middle.”
From the street, Rene’s parents rushed to their mansion in San Diego, California. Half of it was torn, as if by an explosion. In her front yard, election picket signs reflect her mother’s campaign. They are seen from the back. Her father is dressed in a lab coat.
Abstract: “Sometimes people are just at the wrong place at the wrong time. I was just minding my own business, and in the blink of an eye… My life changed forever.”
From a hospital bed, Rene looked at some visitors. She was bruised and injured looking. They were tall men in black suits and sunglasses. Each of them had badges. One is seen close up. It is the badge for the American League of Heroes.
Abstract: “I was offered the chance to make a difference, to lead the life of a true hero.”
Rene smiled. (Possible Close-up on her face.) At a training facility, she stands across from large targets. She is now in full uniform, being coached by the men and women in black suits. The facility is clean and welcoming, with a United States Military feel. It looks similar to an Air-Force hanger. She takes a shot at them with a blast of purple and sky-blue rayed anti-matter.
Abstract: I can’t change what happened to me, but now…”
Back in full color, Rene flies to her high school. She is next seen leaving a locker room in her normal clothes with a back pack.
“Now I can change the world. My name is Rennek, and I am a Renegade.”
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